Fogwing Industrial Software Platform

Exploring Manufacturing Execution System for SME Manufacturing

Webinar Archive. Watch now.  

Duration: 60 mins

Hariharan Ganesh

Hariharan Ganesh

Founder & Chief - Factana.
Industry 4.0 Advisor. IoT Enthusiast.

Industry 4.0: Exploring Manufacturing Execution System for SME Manufacturing

Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises are under heavy pressure to deliver the orders to customers on time. The growing demand in manufacturing sectors requires SME leaders to innovate new ways of operating the factory floor to meet the delivery timeline. However, production planning and execution are unrealistic if you don’t know the actual workload. The traditional way of manufacturing order tracking through paper-based job cards does not give real-time visibility.

SMEs need digital tools to plan, allocate, execute and monitor. The manufacturing Execution System is the solution. SFactrix is the Smart MES Software made for SMEs to adopt digital manufacturing operations. In this webinar, we will explore the role of MES in SMEs Manufacturing and demo of SFactrix Software.

1. What is MES Software

2. Difference between ERP/MRP and MES

3. Functionalities of SFactrix MES / MOM

4. Get Started with SFactrix MES

5, Production Execution using SFactrix MES

6. Why MES is critical for SMEs

Watch this webinar to learn about MES and its benefits. - The Smart Factory Software

Kick start your Smart Factory transformation from the production floor by implementing Manufacturing Execution Software . Trash your paper based job card and process monitoring approach. Get ready for Industry 4.0!

Try it for free . No Credit Card Required. 

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