Fogwing Industrial Software Platform

Take Your IoT Data
to Anywhere via Integration

Integrate Fogwing IIoT Platform with thousands of applications, cloud storage and messaging platform. Your data. Your Preference.

Fogwing Integration

Native Integrations

Explore, Configure, and Access your IoT data to any of your preferred storage

AWS Integration


Integrate Fogwing IIoT Platform with AWS S3 account allows you to take IoT Data to cloud storage for further data processing.

Azure Blob Integration

Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob storage is the base to build deeper analytics and ML solutions. Integrating Fogwing IIoT with Azure Blob is simplified.

Google Cloud Storage Integration

Google Cloud Storage

Build your own apps using Google Cloud Services by integrating Fogwing IIoT Platform to push all your IoT data to your application.

Integrations via Zapier

Use no-code Zapier platform to send your IoT data to popular apps.


Mongo DB

Mongo DB is the preferred data storage for IoT Data. Integrate Fogwing with your Mongo DB hosted on Cloud or On-Premise for storage.

Google Drive

Google Drive

Get your IoT Data organized in Google Drive for manual data consolidation or processing through other tools and technologies.


Firestore /Firebase

Build your own IoT App or Mobile App using Google Firebase. Integration Fogwing IIoT with Google Firestore to view data in Apps


One Drive

Integrate Fogwing IIoT Platform with your One Drive account to take copy the IoT Data for data consolidation and processing.

Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics is the low-code analytics for data visualization and reporting. Integrate Fogwing with Zoho analytics for business report

Google Sheets

Google Sheet

Integrate Fogwing IIoT Platform with your Google Sheets on daily basis to prepare external data sheet and reporting to customers.

FB Messenger

Facebook Messenger

Integrate Fogwing IIoT Platform with Facebook Messenger through Zapier to send IoT Data alerts based on data rules.



Integrate Fogwing IIoT Platform with your Freshdesk to automatically create support ticket for any alerts triggered by Fogwing Data Rules.



Integration between Fogwing IIoT and Jira for automatically create support ticket for any alerts triggered by Fogwing Data Rules.

Fogwing Pushover Integration

Pushover Notification

Integrate Fogwing IIoT Platform with pushover to connect with thousands of the most popular apps to send notification.

Fogwing Webhook Integration


Send your IoT data to any platform and applications through webhook provided by Zapier. Simply a note code approach to send data out.

Fogwing Teams Integration


Push the data alerts from Fogwing to Microsoft Teams chat without any code. Get alerts delivered to your team directly.

Zapier Integration

Explore Pre-built Integration with 3000+ Premium Apps

Fogwing and Zapier Integration

Explore the Knowledge Hub

5 Principles of Asset Reliability Management
5 Principles of Asset Reliability Management

In the manufacturing industry, ensuring the reliability of machinery and equipment is essential for maintaining consistent production quality and minimizing costly downtime. Reliability management in manufacturing focuses on maximizing the

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